Score better in Geography Class 10 exam with our comprehensive syllabus and expert exam preparation tips. Ace your exams with ease today!

Geography Exam Preparation

Are you worried about how to grab good  scores in your board exam? Everyone around you might be talking about your exams & there would be an environment filled with tension right? Geography is a lengthy subject but it can help you boost your percentage. The only thing you should remember is  it doesn’t matter how you have performed in earlier examinations, everyone has their own interest in specific subjects which can be your scoring subject. We know class 10 is one of the most  important milestones in your life. and with everyone talking about the exams – from friends to teachers, and from parents to relatives, an air full of tension surrounds you. Take a long breath and relax. We are here to help you with easy tips to score good in your subjects and help you score better in Geography Class 10 exam.

Geography Chapter wise Summary:

 Chapter 1 Field Visit: 

Field visit helps you directly experience important study methods & Geographical concepts. You must carry materials such as Notebook, Pen, Scale, tape, compass, binoculars, bag, first aid kit, camera, specimen, questionnaire etc. during field visit. Field visit helps us to get information about a place through Observation. Towards the end, Exploration of relationships and connections between Geographical Concept people and both natural and cultural environment is what you will learn. 

Chapter 2 Location & Extent: 

In this chapter you will study more about India and its features. India refers to the second largest populated country located in the Northern & Eastern Hemisphere in the world known for its Spices. Furthermore, the Tropic of Cancer refers to an important latitude passing through the middle of India. 

Chapter 3 Physiography and Drainage: 

This chapter basically focuses on Five major Physiographic  divisions of India like The Himalayas, North Indian Plains, Peninsula Coastal Plains, Island Groups. About Brazil the physiographic divisions are classified into the highlands,  the Great Escarpment, The coastal region, The plains and the island region. The length of the coastline of India is approximately 7500 km whereas that of Brazil is approximately 7400 km. Furthermore the distribution of the coastal lines as well as the rivers in Brazil and India are specified.

Chapter 4 Climate: 

Brazil experiences a wide range of climatic variation due to vast latitudinal extent. Climate near the Equator is Hot and the near tropic of Capricorn is Temperate. Talking about India the temperature increases towards south and decreases towards north and in Brazil It is vice-versa. Furthermore the various types of season as well as the amount of rainfall received in each country is what you will learn in this chapter.

Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife:

In this chapter you will learn the major types of forest in India as well as in Brazil. In Brazil the major types of forest are equatorial forest, tropical grasslands, swampy lands, hot deciduous forest and temperate grasslands. Whereas when it comes to India the major forest type includes evergreen forest, deciduous forest, thorny shrubs, Himalayan forest and coastal forest. India and the Himalayan forest are being classified on the basis of altitude. Furthermore the various types of wildlife as well as the national parks in Brazil and India are explained.

Chapter 6 Population:

Chapter basically includes the population distribution in India as well as in Brazil. Further it is  specified that in Brazil there are more women as compared to India. Furthermore, the average life expectancy ratio for Indians is considered to be 68 years and for Brazilians it is considered as 75 years. Apart from this the use by the particular citizens as well as their living pattern is something you will learn in this chapter.

Chapter 7 Human Settlement: 

After you will learn the settlement patterns of the humans in India as well as in Brazil. However the settlement pattern differs on the basis of the climatic factors, availability of the water loop of the land level of development etc. Talking about Brazil, nuclear settlement is found in the Sau Paulo area where as the settlement becomes pairs as we move towards the central part of Brazil. When it comes to India there are Nuclear settlements throughout the plateau region and dispersed settlements in the tribal parts covering the major centre part of India.

Chapter 8 Economy and Occupations:

Basically focuses on the economy and business aspects of India in Brazil. India has a higher national income as compared to Brazil. The majority of the economy in India is dependent on agriculture and the service sector unlike the Brazilian economy which is a mixed economy and a developing economy. Furthermore the economy is being compared with the other countries in the world. Moving ahead cultivation of the major crops in specific countries as well as the specialty of each and every is what you will learn in this chapter.

Score better in Geography Class 10 exam with these tips

  • Test yourself after every chapter, work on your weak points, know your strengths and plan your subject accordingly.
  • Make sure you label the diagrams (if any) and highlight the information in the map 
  • Prepare for last 10yrs Maps Questions these will help you increase your scores
  • Make sure you are well versed with Maps. Map marking can only be mastered if you practise it.
  • Check your calculation for the numerical questions in economics. 
  • Prepare for the last 10yrs Maps Questions. These will help you increase your scores.
  • Avoid overwriting in your maps. Mark the things lightly first and once you are sure, move ahead. 
  • Make the use of flowcharts while explaining the concepts in the exam. 

Last Minute Exam Preparation Tips

Follow these Last Minute Exam Preparation Tips to Score better in Geography Class 10 exam.

  • Get up early and use that time to study important topics 
  • Share problems you are facing and look for solutions 
  • Review the summaries you have rather than the entire chapters 
  • Reduce your Screen Time avoid using Technology 
  •  Consider taking breaks, refresh yourself and start again.
  • Get everything ready and in place for the next day 
  • Give more focus on your weak points
  • Solve Mock papers 
  • Have a clear overview of your Exam

To conclude, Class 10 students should follow a schedule so that they can give equal time for all the chapters for their subjects. Stay Tuned for further Updates on Maharashtra State board as well as CBSE exams. Don’t forget to download our app “SIR ACADEMY” for more such updates!

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Happy Learning!

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