Get exam ready with our Science 2 class 10 exam study material and syllabus analysis. Score high with our specially curated study material.

Science 2 Study Material

Are you worried about how to grab good  scores in your board exam? Everyone around you might be talking about your exams & there would be an environment filled with tension right? Science is a subject that is most important to plan as there are many topics involved. Do Physics, Chemistry, Biology learning as well as remembering seems difficult to you?  We know class 10 is one of the most  important milestones in your life. Additionally, with everyone talking about the exams – from friends to teachers, and from parents to relatives, an air full of tension surrounds you. Take a long breath and relax. We are here to help you with easy tips to score well in your exams as well as provide you a roadmap to study effectively for your exams. Let’s get you exam ready with our Science 2 class 10 exam study material and syllabus analysis.

Science is an important subject for students who are looking forward to take Science stream in Class 11. Students must pay equal attention to all the three aspects in Science such as – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. As, studying these thoroughly will ensure Class 10 students have a strong foundation.

Textbooks to refer:

The resources you have and the way you use them determines how well you will Score in your exams. If you are a CBSE Student, NCERT Textbooks should definitely be on your list. Apart from this, you can refer various textbooks namely, 

  • Science for 10th Class- Physics, Biology and Chemistry by Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur
  • Principles of Physics S Chand by N.K Chowdhry
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Pradeep publication

For the SSC board, you can refer to your Textbooks, Digest as well the Class notes available to understand and study the concepts thoroughly. 

Science 2 class 10 exam syllabus 2023

Being one of the most important as well as practical subject, this subject needs constant practise, understanding as well as revision . It is better to start your preparation in advance to score good. Following mentioned is the Exam Pattern for Science. There is a single paper of 80 marks for the Science subject for CBSE as well as Maharashtra Board SSC. The remaining 20 Marks (internal) are alloted on the basis of oral tests, practicals, etc. 

SSC State Board Exam Syllabus – Science 2

1. Heredity and Evolution

  • Heredity
  • Protein Synthesis
  • Transcription, Translation, Translocation
  • Theories of Origin of life 
  • Evolution and classification
  • Evidence of biological evolution
  • Theory of natural selection by Darwin
  • Theories of evolution by Lamarcks
  • Original evolution of man

2. Life Processes in Living Organisms -1

  • Living Organisms and Life Process and Energy Production
  • ATP Formation
  • Cell Division 
  • Mitosis – It’s Phases, Importance 
  • Stages of Meiosis and Importance 
  • Difference between Mitosis and Meiosis

3. Life Processes in Living Organisms -2

  • Asexual Reproduction in Animals (Fission, Fragmentation, Regeneration, Budding, Sporulation)
  • Asexual Reproduction in Plants (Budding, Vegetative Propagation)
  • Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants and Animals
  • Human Reproductive System (Male reproductive system, female reproductive system, Gametogenesis, Fertilization in human, Embryonic Development in Human, Implantation in Human, Pregnancy and Birth in Human)
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • Reproduction and Modern Technology
  • Reproductive Health

4. Environmental Management

  • The Environment
  • Ecosystem and its Structure 
  • Relationship between Environment & Ecosystem
  • Environmental Balance & Conservation
  • Biodiversity

5. Towards Green Energy

  • Energy and its use 
  • Generation of Electrical Energy
  • Types of Energy ( Heat, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Hydroelectric, Wind, Solar)
  • Electric Generation & Environment 

6. Animal Classification

  • Biological Classification
  • Taxonomic Hierarchy of Living Organisms
  • New Criteria for Basics of Classification
  • History and traditional method of Animal Classification
  • Five Kingdom Classification
  • Non Chordates Invertebrate ( Phylum : Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata) 
  • Invertebrate and Vertebrate
  • Phylum Chordata
  • Kingdom Animalia Chordata Vertebrata ( Class: Cyclostomata, Pisces, Amphibia, Reptillia, Aves, Mammalia)

7. Introduction to Microbiology

  • Microbes & Microbiology and its uses 
  • Applied & Industrial Microbiology

8. Cell Biology and Biotechnology

  • Cell Biology
  • Stem Cells
  • Organ Transplantation 
  • Organ & body Donation
  • Biotechnology and its Commercial Applications
  • Modern Agriculture Practices and Crop Development
  • Agriculture Development and its important Stages

9. Social Health

  • Social Health and factors disturbing it
  • Communication media and Modern use of Technology
  • Stress management 

10. Disaster Management

  • Disaster and its nature, scope, and effects
  • Disaster management and its Classification
  • Disaster Management Cycle
  • Structure of Disaster Management Authority
  • First aid and Emergency Action
  • Mock drill

General tips to consider

In order to make sure you score good in your exams, you must keep in mind these general tips

  • COVID-19 writing speed as well as focus has affected a lot. 
  • A lot of writing practice that has to be done by you.
  • You must keep a track of your time while solving your mock papers and at the same time try to finish your exam at least 15 minutes early. 
  • Make sure that your presentation is neat and tidy. 
  • The question as well as answers should be in the same order for the examiner’s convenience. Note: If your Examiner is happy and can understand what you have written you have won half the battle. 
  • Don’t forget to use your reading time wisely before attempting your exam.
  • Learn the High Weighted Chapters First 
  • Study with the help of Small Goals and reward yourself for the same. 
  • Make sure to solve mock question papers so you will know more clearly about exam pattern, marking structure, as well as important questions. 

Hope the above blog explaining Science 2 class 10 exam study material and syllabus brought value to your table. To get an overall overview as well as learn the chapters in detail, visit Sir ACADEMY and book your demo classes today and take a step towards your excellence today! Don’t forget to download our app “SIR ACADEMY” for more such updates!

Happy Learning!

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